Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The concept of employee Engagement

The concept of employee Engagement



The concept of employee engagement is often defined as a willingness to go the extra mile, which has become the new engagement mantra. Sometimes this is defined by the concept of engagement in many ways. It is often used as a concept adopted by the company in terms of job performance, enterprise citizenship and commitment to its employees' participation and behavior.

Why does the ambiguity of the word make it difficult to answer the question of engagement? Are employees involved with their jobs, their carrier or their company, Some definitions avoid this distinction by referring to engagement only as a condition for people to do it. Others define it with the purpose and values ​​of the organization. Engagement occurs when people commit to their work and organization and are motivated to achieve high-quality work and high-quality work. It has two interconnected features.

First: Employee engagement occurs when employees try to be comfortable, because they find their work interesting.

Secondly, they believe that this is a great place to work, to pursue and maintain organizational engagement, their work values ​​and purpose. Finally we define an employee engagement as the property of the relationship between an organization and its employee and the ‘engaged employee’ is defined as a person who is fully internalized by their work and therefore takes positive action to further the company’s reputation and interests.


Picture 01, what is employee engagement.

Why is employment engagement important-
Engaged employees are the backbone of good work environments, where people are hardworking, ethical and accountable, and engagement levels vary according to different life history and personality traits. When it comes to company performance, success is measured by the quality of the customer experience and customer loyalty. Engagement is shown to be delivered by the employee, which benefits the organization through commitment


Picture 02, The process of Employee Engagement.

Outcomes  of employee engagement :
Organizational outcomes
Employee outcomes
Employee engagement is a hard-nosed proposition that not only shows result but can be measure in costs of recruitment and employee output

Engagement offer a solution for the individual providing them with the opportunity to invest themselves in their work

Engaged employees are more likely to stay with the organization perform better than their colleagues and act as advocates for the company/ organization
Engagement may result in positive health effects and positive feelings towards work and the organization
For the Successful organization changes
Transnational approach to the relationship between employer and employee

Facets of Employee engagement-
01. Intellectual Engagement- Thinking hard about the job and how to do it better
02. Affective engagement- Feeling positively about doing a good gob than others for the organizational and self-development
03. Social engagement- Actively taking opportunities to discuss work- related improvements with others at work

Armstrong, M. and Stephen Taylor (2014) Armstrong Handbook of Human Resource management practice, 13th edition
Armstrong, M, Brown, D and Reilly, P (2010) evidence-based Reward Management, London, Kogan page

Knowledge management for an organization

Knowledge management for an organization


Knowledge management is a broad process of identifying, managing, modifying and using information and expertise within an organization. The overall knowledge management process is supported by four key functions, such as leadership, culture, technology and measurement. Knowledge Management stores and shares knowledge, understanding and expertise gathered in an organization with its processes, methods and activities. It is an important source of knowledge. As Ulrich (1998: 126) has noted, knowledge has become a direct competitive advantage for firms that sell knowledge and ideas.

Knowledge management is of great concern to people and how they acquire, exchange and disseminate knowledge about information technology. It therefore becomes an important area for the HR practitioner who is in a strong position to influence this aspect of public management. It is linked to organizational learning.

Knowledge Management Definition:

Knowledge management is about gaining knowledge from those who need to increase the performance of the organization. Knowledge management strategies encourage people to share knowledge by connecting with people and sharing information so that they learn from documented experiences.

Knowledge Management Scarborough et al (1999) defined: 'To create knowledge, make, and capture, share and use, where, they propose organizational knowledge and processes as a result of organizational learning and the development of COL in organizations to improve the performance of any process. Knowledge management is concerned with the flow of both stocks and knowledge.

Picture 02, Benefits of knowledge Management

The objectives of knowledge management-

Key objectives of knowledge management are

01. Enhance / Improve Internal Cooperation between Employer and Employee and Improve Cooperation between Employees

02. Enhance / Improve External Support

03. Catch / record / share best practices

04. Improve customer relationships and its management

05. Create better project work-spaces and their management

06. Improving documents and protecting proprietary materials

07. A smooth transition from retirees to recruiting heirs to fill their posts

08. Reduce corporation memory loss and rest

09. Identify the most important source of knowledge and the most important fields, so that the organization

10. Develop a toolkit of methods that individuals, groups and organizations can use to mitigate the potential loss of capital

Knowledge management strategies-
There are two strategies/ two approach have been identified by Hansen et al (1999): the codification strategy and the personalization strategy

The Codification strategy:
‘Knowledge is carefully codified and stored in database where it can be accessed and used easily by anyone in the organization. Knowledge is explicit and its codified using a ‘people-to-document’ approach. This strategy is therefore document driven’

The Personalization strategy:
Knowledge is closely tied to the person who has developed it and is shared mainly through direct person-to person contract. This is a ‘person-to- person approach that involves ensuring that tacit knowledge is passed on. The exchange is achieved by creating networks and encouraging face-to-face communication between individual and terms by means of informal conference, workshops, communities of practice, brainstorming and one-to-one sessions

Knowledge management is about gaining knowledge from those who need to increase the performance of the organization. Without a firm for knowledge management in an organization it can slow down the progress of the organization. So this concept is very important to improve the best work environment in the organization.

Armstrong, M. and Stephen Taylor (2014) Armstrong Handbook of Human Resource management practice, 13th edition
Boxall, P and Purcell, J (2000) strategic human resource management
Mecklenberg, S, Deering, A and Sharp, D (1999) Knowledge management

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Employee relations

Employee relations


Employee relation are concerned with managing the employment relationship and the psychological contract. They consist of the approaches and methods adopted by employer to deal with employee either collectively through their trade unions or individually. This includes providing employees with a voice and developing communications between them and management. An organization with a good employee relations program provides fair and consistent treatments to all employee.

Employee relations program are typically part of a human resource strategy designed to ensure the most effective use of people to accomplish the organization’s mission. Employee relations programs focus on issues affecting employees, such as pay and benefits, supporting work- life balance and safe working environment.

The process of Employee relations

Employee relations are concerned with managing and maintaining the employment relationship taking into account the implications of the notion of the psychological contract. This means dealing with employees either collectively through their trade unisons or individually, handling employment practices, terms and conditions of employment and issues arising from employment, providing employees with a voice and communicating with employees.

One of most effective ways for a organization to ensure good employee relation is to adopt a human resource strategy that places a high value on employees as stakeholder in the business. When employees are treated as more than just paid laborer, but as actual stakeholder with the power to affect outcomes, they feel more valued for the job they do.

Today in the world most of companies, organizations, are practicing ‘employee relation’ as proper way to develop the overall objectives of the companies and same time of the employees. By today most of the companies have given the special attention to the following labor priorities to make sure good employee relations.

01. Respect for the employees
02. Offer competitive wages and benefits
03. Treat every employee with dignity and without any tolerance
04. To assure a safe and healthy working environment for the employees

Picture 01, Key dimensions of employment relation

The main objectives and the important of the employee relations for the company as following:

01. To develop and maintain harmonious relations between management and labor so essential foe higher productivity of labor and industrial progress in the company

02. To safeguard the interest of labors as well as management by securing the highest level of mutual understanding between all sections in the company

03. To establish and maintain industrial democracy based on the participation of labor in the management and gain of industry.

04. To avoid all forms of industrial conflict so as to ensure industrial peace by providing better working and living standards to worker

05. To raise productivity in an era of full employment by reducing the tendency of higher turnover

06. To ensure a healthy and balanced social order through recognition of human in industry and adaptation of social responsibilities to the advancement of technology


The most important part is no business can run effectually without the employees or people. Employer need to manage relationship in the workplace to keep the business functioning smoothly, avoid the problems, and make sure the employees are performing at their best. So without the good relationship between the employee and employer there will be big issues.   

Friday, November 15, 2019

Talent Management

Talent Management

What is the Talent?
Talent is what people have when they possess the skill, abilities and that enable them to perform effectively in their roles. They make a difference to organizational performance through their immediate effort and they have a potential to make an important contribution in the future. Talent management mainly aims to identify, obtain, keep and develop those talented people for the organizational development

Talent Management is the Development of ensuring that the organizations has the talented people it needs to accomplish its business goals. It involves the strategic management of the flow of talent through an organization by creating and maintaining a talent pipeline.

Talent management is a useful term when it describe as organization’s commitment to hire, manage, develop and retained employees. It comprises of all the work process and systems that are related to retaining and developing a superior workforce

Talent management is a business strategy that organization will enable to retain their top talented employees. Just like employee involvement or employee recognition. It is the status business strategy that will ensure the attraction of talent with competition with other employees.

When you tell a prospective employee that you are dedicated to a talent management strategy that will ensure that he or she will have the opportunity to develop professionally, you attract the best talent

Basic content of the Talent Management
01.Talent planning
     03.Attraction and retention policies and programme
     04.Talent audit
     05. Role Development
     06.Talent relationship management
     07. Performance management
     08.Learning and development
     09.Leadership and management development
     10.Management succession planning
     11.Carrier management


     Picture 01, process of Talent Management 
Different peoples who have different type of talents. But there is the view that we must pay more attention to the best, while on the other, the view is that everyone has talent and it is not just about the favorite few.

Key objectives of the Talent Management
   01.Identify the key gaps between the talent in place and the talent to drive business/ company success
    02.Develop a sound integrated talent management plan designed to close the talent gaps
  03.Facilitate and support management to implement accurate hiring and promotion decisions
   04.Develop talent to enhance performance in current position as well as readiness for transition to the next level
    05.Develop a succession and retention plan a sustain organizational excellence
Talent management is a very important thing to getting the best of all employees for the organizational development. Also it helps to deliver corporate objectives and plan towards success of the company. On one hand talent management important to build up the productive and committed working environment for the people in the organization with succession planning for the future development and on the other hand it will helps to develop good leaders and good managers for the tomorrow  

Armstrong, M. and Stephen Taylor (2014) Armstrong Handbook of Human Resource management practice, 13th edition

Clarke, R and Winkler, V (2006) Reflection on Talent Management, London, CIPD

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The concept of Human resource Management

The concept of Human Resource Management


Human resource management is concerned with all aspect of how people are employed and managed in organization. It covers activities such as strategic Human resource management, human capital management, knowledge management, corporate social responsibilities, organizational development, resource force planning, recruitment, and selection and talent management, learning and development, performance and reward management, employee relations, employee well being and the provision of employee services for the society.

HRM as conceived in the 1980 had a conceptual framework consisting of a philosophy under pinned by a number of theories drawn from the behavioral science and from the field of strategic management, human capital and industrial relations. The Human resource management philosophy was heavily criticized in the 1990 by the academics, but this criticism has subsided, perhaps because it became increasingly evident that the term ‘HRM’ was being used as a synonym for what used to be called ‘personnel management’. Human resource practice is no longer governed by the original philosophy, if it ever was. Human resource management today is simple what HR people and line managers do. Few reference are now made to the HRM conceptual framework. This is a pity- an appreciation of the philosophy and underpinning theories of HRM provides a sound basis for understanding and developing HR practice.

The Human Resource Management define as:
1. The art of procuring, Developing and maintaining competent workforce to achieve the goals of an organization in an effective and efficient manner
2. ‘HRM’ is the function performed in organizations that facilitates the most effective use of the people to achieve organizational and individual goals
3. ‘HRM’ is planning, organizing directing and controlling of the procurement, Development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation of organizational and social objectives are accomplished

Human resource management defined in line with the original concept as a strategic, integrated, and coherent approach to the employment, development, and wellbeing of the people working in the organization. It was described more pragmatically by boxall and Purcell (2003:1) as ‘all those activities associated with the management of employment relationship in the firm’

The diversity of Human Resource Management:
The practice of HRM can be different to organization to organization. As pointed out by the Dyer and Holder in 1988 Human Resource goals vary according to competitive choices, technologies, and characteristic of employees.

The objectives of Human Resource Management:
The human resource management helps to the organization to reach the goals and employ the skills and ability of the work force efficiently. Human resource management will helpful to provide the well trained and well-motivated employees for the organization and it increase the employee’s job satisfaction and self-actualization. Further HRM support for the develop and maintain a quality work life.

Important of Human Resource Management:
At the enterprise level good HR practices help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization and it helps in training people for challenging roles, developing right attitude towards the job and the company and promoting team spirit, commitment as well  

At the individual level it promotes team work and team spirit among employees and offers excellent growth opportunities to the people who have potential to rise, it allows people to work with diligence and commitment, at the society level employment opportunities multiply  

The Goal of Human Resource Management:
The goals of Human Resource Management are to:
1.Contribute the development of high performance culture
2.Support the organization in achieving its objectives by developing and implementing HR strategies that are integrated with the business strategy
3.Ensure that the organization has the talented, skilled and engaged people it needs
4.Create a positive employment relationship between management and employees and a climate of mutual trust
5.Encourage the application of an ethical approach to people management  

Boxall, P F (2007) The goals of HRM, in (eds)
P Boxall, J Purcell and P Wright, Oxford
Handbook of Human Resource Management

Armstrong,M (1987) Human Resource Management:

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Impact of Strategic Human resource management on organizational performance

The Impact of Strategic Human resource management on organizational performance

Strategic Human Resource Management is an approach to developing and implementing HR strategies that align with business strategies and contribute to their achievement. The Strategic Human Resource Management boxall is described as the interface between HRM and strategic management. In summary, strategic human resource management is conceived as a general concept of how the integration of efficiency between human resource management and business strategies is achieved. The benefits of taking a long-term view of where HR is going, how to get there, and how to create and implement coherent and mutually beneficial HR strategies.

Importantly, it also indicates how HR function members adopt a strategic approach on a daily basis. This means that they work as part of the management team, that HR activities support and value the implementation of business strategies on a continuous basis.

Strategic Human Resource Management is an approach that defines how the organization's goals are achieved by people through HR strategies and comprehensive HR policies and practices. The main purpose of strategic human resource management is to increase organizational efficiency by ensuring that the organization has the expertise, engagement, commitment and highly motivated employees.

Photo 01, ''Process of the strategic Human Resource Management.

Strategies Human Resource Management has three main objectives:
Integration first - Vertical alignment of HR strategies with business strategies and horizontal integration of HR strategies

The second aim is to provide a sense of direction, often in a variable environment, so that the business needs of the organization and its individual and collective needs can be met through the development and implementation of consistent and practical HR policies and programs.

The third objective is to contribute to the creation of a business strategy by focusing on ways to use the benefits provided by the strengths of the business's human resources.

Strategic Human Resources Management is based on the assumption that the organization will be most effective if it manages human resources with HR policies and practices and provides them with the right behavior, necessary skills and required level of motivation. System. Strategic Human Resources Management is the connection or integration of an enterprise with general strategic goals and human strategy and implementation.

Strategic human resource management bring a number of benefits to the organization

1.Contribution to the goal accomplishment and the survival of the organization
2.Supporting and successfully implementing business business  strategies of the organization
3.Creating and maintaining a competitive advantage  for the organization
4.Improving the responsiveness and innovation potential of the organization
5.Increasing the number of feasible strategic options available to the organization
6.Participating in strategic planning and influencing the strategic direction of the organization
7.Improving cooperation between the HRM department and the managers
8.Better environment for the work
9.Increased job satisfaction
10.Boost productivity 


Figure 1. The Relationship between HRM and performance
‘’Source: Michael Armstrong (2006). Strategic Human Resource Management.’’

Human resource management practices could influence organizational performance well. Also it is possible that there are complex relationship between the HR practices and other resources of the firm. The casual linkage between HR and the organization performance will enable the HR manager to design programs that will bring better operational result to gain higher organizational performance.

(Caliskan, 2010)
(Lloyd C. Harris*, 1998)
(Delaney, 1996)
Digman, L A (1990) Strategic Management- Concepts, Decision, Cases, Georgetown, Ontario,

Dyer, Human Resource Management: Evolving roles and responsibilities, Washington, DC, Bureau of National Affairs